Wednesday, October 13, 2010

24 Days, 4.25 miles, & countless blessings

In 24 days, my dear friend Kelsey and I will be running a 5K. This exciting to me not because it's my first race ever, but because I feel like it's the first race in my life as a runner. I've had goes at running in the past. Bout #1 was in 2007 when my friend Beth said, "You should run a half marathon. It's not that hard." I did end up finishing a half, but I wouldn't say I ran it. I was poorly trained, and lacked the motivation found in the joy of the sport. Bout #2 happened last year when Sarah, another close friend and my business partner, asked if I would "make" her run a half marathon. That race was not finished. We had good intentions, but running was not a priority for either of us. To be honest, I was grateful when life circumstances kept me away from the starting line. 

For nearly two months now I've been dedicated to running. The first five weeks I ran without an intention of finishing a race, since then, I've been obsessed. I dream about my runs. I fantasize about my routes. When I'm at work, I count down minutes to the time that I can leave, come home, lace up my shoes and hit the road. This is becoming who I am. I love it.

After returning from my 4.25 mile run today, one made much easier due to Harry Potter MP3's, I got to thinking about my life. Despite my frustrations and minor irritations, I love my life. Don't get me wrong, I have my days. I feel sorry for myself; I get lonely; I get bored, but 95% of the time, life is wonderful. I have countless blessings. My husband is easily the funniest person I've even met. He makes me laugh multiple times every day! The life we are building together is more fulfilling than I could have ever thought possible. I have a wonderful family and in-laws. My friends are there when I really need them, even if life keeps us from each other, when I need them, they are there. And now, I'm learning to love this body God gave me. I am able to run...far distances. What a miracle. 

I am now rambling and extremely tired. Until tomorrow, lovely followers. xoxo

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