Friday, August 5, 2011

Lazy days.

With government cutbacks impacting so much of the country, it's no surprise that our little family has been touched. For the second year in a row Michael has had to take one mandatory day off--or furlough day--for the first nineteen pay periods of the year. Are we hurting? No. Would the extra money be nice? Yes. But, ironically this is not a complaint of any kind. In fact it has afforded us mini vacations this summer because every other weekend he has three days off. The result? Lazy days.

Today will include LOTS of coffee, blogging, reading blogs, watching DVR episodes of Shark Week, playing with the dogs in the yard, and possibly hanging our new mirror from Ikea.  We'll end the day with dinner with the Hoyle clan. Hope you have a lazy weekend too.


  1. You have always had the CUTEST feet!
    Have so much fun today--I'm joining you in spirit because today is a lazy day for me too. Trev is giving me a "Mom's Day Off!"

    Love, love, love.
